


Here at The Rockin’ Boys Club we take great pride in promoting our awesome sponsors!

We’re thrilled to offer sponsorship opportunities on our site. If you have a product, brand, shop or blog that you feel fits with the theme of our page we’d love to hear from you. Advertising is such an easy way to grow your business. We hope you’ll consider advertising on The Rockin’ Boys Club!

advertise_feature sponsor
Featured Sponsor Ad Space:
$300.00 per month
1 spot available
Your ad featured at the top of the page, above the header, for 31 days
Social media shoot outs – two per channel (8 total during featured month)

advertise_extra large ad
Extra Large Ad:
$100.00 per month
1 spot available
Your ad in our side bar, above the fold, for 31 days
Social media shout outs – one per channel (4 total during featured month)

advertise_large ad
Large Ad:
$50.00 per month
4 spots available
Your ad in our side bar, above the fold, for 31 days
Social media shout outs – 2 total during featured month (Facebook and Twitter).

advertise_small ad
Small Ad:
$25.00 per month
4 spots available
Your ad in our side bar for 31 days
Social media shout outs – 1 total during featured month (Facebook).

How it works:
• Payment due by the 15th of the month for the following month’s advertising, using the corresponding paypal button.
• Banners must be the correct size and have a 1px black border.
• We can edit or make a custom banner for a small additional fee.

For questions or more information contact info@rockinboys.com