
Lego Easter Egg Instructions

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As much I love following the instructions for Lego building kits with my boys, it’s also fun to make your own creations. With Easter coming up, we got out the bricks and put together a few fun Lego Easter Egg designs. You can make this craft with your Lego fan, or you can make the Easter Bunny look really awesome and tuck a few of these babies in an Easter Basket as a surprise. (You can put any leftover Legos in plastic eggs!) Check out the tutorial below.

PrintMy favorite is the multi-colored egg. I had a lot of fun making these with my lego-obsessed four year old. Since we made them together, we placed them on the mantle as a fun holiday decoration. I’m not the only one who decorates my house with lego creations, am I?

If you’d like to print the Lego Easter Egg instructions out, you can download the .pdf file here.


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