
LEGO Valentine Factory

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lego_valentine_factory_1I love it when my boys get creative with Legos. When they are building ideas on their own and not reading instructions, I get to see their creativity and to see what is happening in their minds come to life. They amaze me with the Lego ideas they com up with.

This weekend, my oldest son come up with an idea to build a Lego Valentine Factory.  It all started with this sketch he drew.


Then we headed over to grandma’s house to build his Lego plans. (Why do we keep our Legos at grandma’s you ask? I will leave that story for another day.) He ended up making this great Lego Valentine Factory…complete with a Valentine making machine complete with conveyor belt. We made tiny Valentine cards with cardstock and drew tiny hearts on them.



A chocolate machine with a microwave to keep the chocolate warm, and gauge controls to control production.


On top of the Lego Valentine Factory, two antenna make sure to tell people that is Valentine’s Day. The fire sends out warmth and love.


And to make sure you knew it was a Valentine Factory, a giant LEGO heart.


I just love that Legos inspire my boys to create and dream up such fun ideas. I heart LEGO.

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