
Royal Baby Inspired Baby Gear

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This just in: Prince William and Princess Kate have welcomed a little boy into the world.

We couldn’t be more excited that the Royal Baby is a boy!  And William and Kate are now part of The Rockin’ Boys Club. We’re on pins and needles wondering what the baby’s name will be, what the Royal Baby will be wearing and what the Royal Nursery looks like. Will the baby be dressed in traditional fashion or wear new and trendy styles? What kind of stroller will Kate use? And what kind of toys will the baby play with? It’s all a mystery so far, but we will be on the lookout and share as soon as we find out.

Since we don’t have any details yet, we thought it would be fun to use our imaginations and think of some items we’d love to see the newest Prince have. Below are some Royal Baby-inspired items that we think would be perfect for any baby boy as well as the Royal Baby. They are most definitely fit for a prince.

The Royal Family seems to be very into classic themes, so of course a classic baby blue color would look great in the Royal Nursery, maybe with a hint of gray – which is a trendy color lately. We also think a prince should have a little bling too, and what better item to bling out than a pacifier?


Crochet Baby Boy CrownJanie & Jack Checkered Cap |  Janie & Jack Sailor Checked Bubble  | Janie & Jack Boat Crib Shoe | Baby Bling Things Prince Crown Bling Pacifier |  Stokke Sleepi Bed | Krysaliis Majestic Heavy Sterling Silver Baby Spoon and Fork Set |  Prince Charming Swaddle, Classic Muslin collection -4 pack | Sophie the Giraffe (The Stokke Bed and Sophie were recommended by FaVemom)

What do you think? What items would you recommend for the Royal Baby?




  1. Awww I love your selection!

  2. My little “prince” is due in October. He would look so cute in that little hat!

  3. what a cute roundup! I had two boys and i wish I had ALL of these items.

  4. Oh my word, I totally love it. Too adorable. :) Looks like His Royal Highness Prince George Alexander Louis of Cambridge is a Rockin’ Boys too!!! :)

  5. OMG. So cute! And I love that his name is George!

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