
Air Swimmers Flying Shark Toys | Shark Week

A couple years ago I bought the boys Air Swimmers for Christmas. It was kind of a whim decision, but I saw them at the toy store and thought they would be fun since we have vaulted ceilings. With this being "Shark Week" and all, I remembered how much … [Read more...]

Toms Shoes have gone to the Sharks | Shark Week @toms

Check out these awesome shark camo pattern TOMS®. Just one of their new limited addition patterns, this one created especially to celebrate Shark Week. With the shark numbers dwindling, TOMS® has partnered with OCEANA, the largest ocean conservation … [Read more...]

Shark Toys and Clothing for Boys | Shark Week

Have you heard? It's Shark Week, and it seems like everywhere we go, someone is talking about sharks. Here at The Rockin' Boys Club, we love shark week. My kids are fascinated by sharks, and we are often checking out library books on shark facts and … [Read more...]