
Super Hero Valentine’s Day Printable

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superhero_valentine_printableWe are so excited to offer our readers our first free printable! We figured with Valentine’s Day being just around the corner, we needed to create some boy inspired Valentine’s Day artwork, so we came up with this Super Hero Valentine’s Day  printable. Just print it out and pop it into an 8 x 10″ frame and you are set. You little guys are sure to love it. The link to download this printable is at the bottom of this post. Happy Valentine’s Day!


Super Hero Valentine’s Day Printable Download


  1. Love this – not girly, and just perfect for boys and Valentine’s day!

  2. This is so stinkin’ CUTE. I definitely plan on printing one to use for a v-day card for my HUSBAND, as well. Ha! Thanks for sharing. : )

  3. I LOVE these printables! They are perfect for little superheroes.
    I’m outnumbered as the only female in our household, so I have a feeling that I will relate to, and frequently visit, this blog. GREAT info!
    All the best

  4. Love this however, I know one pesky little boy who would be asking for the X-Men symbol. I’m going to forward your link to a friend whose husband will appreciate this tremendously! They do say that men are little boys that never grew up, right?

  5. These are awesome. My 4 year old LOVES superheroes. Thanks for sharing!!

  6. This is the cutest thing ever! I featured it on my blog today:


    Thank you for the fabulous printable.

    Best Wishes,


  7. Thank you so much! We will be using this at the library during our SUPERvalentine’s program

  8. We printed this out and used the individual hearts as Valentines for my son’s classmates. Thanks so much!

  9. As my 6-yrs old would say “You ROCK”. We will definitely sign up for the email. Love it! Keep up with the Super Hero Theme! We’re lovin’ it!

  10. LOVE LOVE LOVE!! My oldest boy is in kindergarten and needs to decorate a shoebox to collect his valentine’s. He asked me to find “superhero suits” (aka the logos) to print and put on his box in lieu of the standard red hearts and such. This is PERFECT!!! OMG I can not wait to show him. This is also how I have just discovered your awesome site! I have a 5.5, 3, and new boy on the way! Looking forward to exploring all of your posts! Thank you again for this great printable!

  11. Just a few lines of thanks! I am a 12.13.14 Vegas Bride and will be putting these hearts on transfer paper for my groom and his men to wear under their shirt! I’m seeing an awesome grown men super hero photo in my future! Thanks so much! I have to think of something for me…I may want to photo bomb!

  12. This was the perfect accompaniment to my Superkid Kids’ Music playlist this year!

    PS They also made adorable teacher gifts! Thanks so much

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