
Welcome to The Rockin’ Boys Club

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Being the only female in a house full of boys can be tough, but the relationship between a mom and her boys is something very special. We spend so much time trying to inject a bit of girliness into our dirty, buggy, mud-filled days, but in the end we wouldn’t trade our little rock stars for the world.

We are Jill and Angela, and The Rockin’ Boys Club is here to showcase the glamorous lives of moms with boys. Between the two of us we have six boys ranging from 6 months to 9 years old. Aside from our crazy stories, we will also be sharing activities, crafts, fashion tips and insight into the shows, movies and characters that boys love.

If you have a boy….then you’re in the club. We’re very excited to share with you our love for our little guys, and with your help we can make this website a community for moms with one thing in common, boys. Because, hey – boys are different than girls, and it’s about time there was a place where moms can find all-things boy, without any pink attached!


  1. How exciting!! Congrats on your launch! I’m a member fo sho – mom to three boys myself. I will be visiting your site frequently ; )

  2. Tracy Dayton says

    I’m excited for your new blog, Jill! We’ve got 4 boys rockin at our house! I’m definitely in the club! Congrats on the new adventure!

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