
Make A Minecraft Creeper Lego Ornament!

Here's a fun LEGO tutorial for the Minecraft lover in your house. A super easy Minecraft Creeper face ornament! My boys just recently started playing Minecraft. (I know, we're late to the game, but I was waiting for them to be a little older.) … [Read more...]

Boy-friendly boredom busters

During the Summer, we tend to hear "I'm bored" a little too often.While it's tempting to let my boys veg out and watch their favorite movies, or play video games so that I can get a little break, I don't want to depend on those things to keep them … [Read more...]

Minecraft: What is Minecraft?

If you have a computer, Xbox, or even a smart phone in your house, chances are you've heard the word Minecraft a few times. Maybe it was when your kids asked permission to download it? You may have even asked "What is Minecraft," but you probably … [Read more...]